Thursday, September 1, 2011

Edible Finger Paint

Besides cooking I love planning parties with my son and his little friends. The other day my sister and I were throwing around ideas for the next play-date and she suggested edible finger paint, genius! She googled several recipes for me. Being the cook that I am, I decided to take those recipes and make my own version that couldn’t be any simpler. Here it is:

2 cups cornstarch
6 cups hot water
food coloring

Bring water to almost a simmer. It needs to be pretty warm to dissolve well into the cornstarch but not boiling. Pour cornstarch into a bowl. Once water is hot pour over corn starch in about three separate batches, stirring well before adding more water. Once the water and cornstarch have come together divide into bowls and mix in your favorite colors. Let cool for at least 30 minutes before the little ones put their hands in it.(You may want to check the temperature of the paint yourself.)

Clean up: Food paint cleans up pretty well off the cement because it peels. Food coloring does stain but combined with cornstarch the staining is minimal. The sooner you rinse off after your project the better your chances are of staying stain-free. Be careful with the blue, it is a little harder to rinse out. We found that the blue came off eventually but it took a couple washes. Have fun!

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